Brian’s journey
Brian started with us as a 1-to-1 client in September 2016. So far, he’s lost 5 stone of body fat, increased his muscle mass and significantly reduced his Cardiovascular risk to all the major diseases. But as he explains the journey has become more profound than the destination.
What made you decide to change?
Approaching my late fifties and with my twin brother dying from a heart attack I knew that I had to lose some weight, at 25 stone I was out of breath in just a few short steps and struggling with getting out of a car or going upstairs. I have a young family and realised that unless I put myself first then I may not be here for them in the future.
What made the difference between contemplation and action?
Training three times a week enabled me to plug into a support system regularly. I increased my mobility and with a list of healthy, optimal foods to consume my energy increased as did my activity on the days that I wasn’t at the studio. This gave me quick results which, in turn, pushed me to want more. I benefited from the increase in energy from the loss of weight but more importantly gained knowledge of the benefits of eating healthier foods at the right time of day. I am now putting in the right fuel to help my body perform better.
Did you ever want to stop?
Not exactly however you can find that the very people that encouraged you to become more active and lose weight don’t support you as much as they did. It is important to maintain a strong support network. Naturally some days you are not as motivated as others, but by learning to recognise these signs whilst appreciating that those are the days you need to dig that bit deeper because those are the days that turn out to be the most rewarding.
When and why?
If you have a bad day of eating then it is easy for it to become two days or you say to yourself I will start back eating right on say Monday. Understanding the factors that lead to you being thrown off course is important such as lack of quality sleep, poor hydration, eating late and a lack of activity – just get up and walk!
What keeps you going?
Nine months ago I was looking at a very sedentary retirement – if I got there. Now I am enjoying activity and have more energy. The facts are that I know I’ve only just scratched the surface and whilst I could kid myself that I could now start to ease up I know that the job is not done and I can do more.
Any surprises along the way?
Yes I took one of my sons to see the Antony Joshua fight and unlike the Chelsea match I could fit through the turn stiles! I never ate any vegetables and now forty percent of my food intake per day is veg – and I enjoy it.
What 5 things can you no longer go without?
1. Activity has become a daily part of my life and would not want to stop it 2. Eating quality food that you know your body and mind will benefit from 3. A sauna at least three times a week, great stress reliever and relax at the end of the day 4. Spending quality time walking, cycling with my wife and children 5. Yoga is a new journey one which I wish I had discovered earlier in my life, the benefits are amazing